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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
class Git_Module extends Module_Skeleton
protected $exportedFunctions = ['*' => PRIVILEGE_SITE | PRIVILEGE_USER];
public function clone(string $repo, string $target, array $opts): bool
$opts = array_key_map(static function ($k, $v) {
$rhand = '';
if ($v !== null) {
$rhand = '=' . escapeshellarg((string)$v);
return (isset($k[1]) ? '--' : '-') . escapeshellarg($k) . $rhand;
}, $opts);
$ret = $this->pman_run('git clone ' . implode(' ', $opts) . ' %(repo)s %(target)s',
'repo' => $repo,
'target' => $target
return $ret['success'] ?: error($ret['stderr']);
public function clean(string $path, bool $dir = true, bool $dry = false)
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git clean -f %(dry)s %(dir)s',
'path' => $path,
'dry' => $dry ? '-n' : '-q',
'dir' => $dir ? '-d' : null
if (!$ret['success']) {
error('Failed to clean repo: %s', $ret['stderr']);
if ($dry) {
$lines = rtrim($ret['stdout']);
if (!$lines) {
return [];
return array_map(static function ($line) {
if (0 === strpos($line, "Would remove ")) {
return substr($line, 13);
return $line;
}, explode("\n", $lines));
return $ret['success'];
public function valid(string $path): bool
if (!IS_CLI) {
return $this->query('git_valid', $path);
return file_exists($this->domain_fs_path($path . '/.git/HEAD'));
public function stash(string $path, string $message = null): ?string
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git stash save -q %(message)s',
['path' => $path, 'message' => $message]);
if (!$ret['success']) {
error('Failed to stash repo: %s', $ret['stderr']);
return (string)$this->file_get_file_contents("${path}/.git/stash");
public function reset(string $path, ?string $commit = null, bool $hard = true): bool
if ($commit && !ctype_xdigit($commit)) {
return error("Invalid commit `%s'", $commit);
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git reset -q %(hard)s %(commit)s',
['path' => $path, 'hard' => $hard ? '--hard' : '--mixed', 'commit' => $commit]);
return $ret['success'] ?: error('Failed to reset repo: %s', $ret['stderr']);
public function tag(string $path): ?array
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git tag', ['path' => $path]);
if (!$ret['success']) {
error('Failed to enumerate tags: %s', $ret['stderr']);
return null;
return explode("\n", rtrim($ret['stdout']));
public function init(string $path, bool $bare = true): bool
$ret = $this->pman_run('git init %(bare)s %(path)s',
'bare' => $bare ? '--bare' : null,
'path' => $path
if (!$ret['success']) {
return error($ret['stderr']);
$ret = $this->pman_run(
'cd %(path)s && git config user.email "%(email)s" && git config user.name "%(name)s"',
'path' => $path,
'email' => $this->common_get_email(),
'name' => array_get($this->user_getpwnam(), 'gecos') ?: PANEL_BRAND . ' commit bot'
return $ret['success'] ?: error($ret['stderr']);
public function fetch(string $path, array $opts = []): bool
$opts = implode(' ', array_key_map(static function ($k, $v) {
$k = (isset($k[1]) ? '--' : '-') . escapeshellarg($k);
if (null === $v) {
return $k;
return $k . '=' . escapeshellarg($v);
}, $opts));
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git fetch ' . $opts, ['path' => $path]);
return $ret['success'] ?: error('Failed to fetch: %s', $ret['stderr']);
public function add(string $path, ?array $files = []): bool
$fileStr = $files === null ? '-A --ignore-errors' : implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $files));
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git add ' . $fileStr, [
'path' => $path,
], ['LANGUAGE' => 'en_US']);
if ($files === null && !$ret['success'] && false !== strpos($ret['stderr'], 'Permission denied')) {
return warn('Failed to add files: %s', $ret['stderr']);
return $ret['success'] ?: error('Failed to add files: %s', $ret['stderr']);
public function head(string $path)
if (!$this->valid($path)) {
return null;
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git rev-parse HEAD', ['path' => $path]);
if (!$ret['success']) {
error("Failed to fetch HEAD in `%s': %s", $path, $ret['stderr']);
return false;
return rtrim($ret['stdout']);
public function add_ignore(string $path, $files): bool
if (!$this->valid($path)) {
return false;
$entries = $this->list_ignored_files($path);
$gitPath = "${path}/.gitignore";
foreach ($files as $line) {
if (in_array((string)$line, $entries, true)) {
warn('%(line)s already listed in %(path)s', ['line' => $line, 'path' => $gitPath]);
$entries[] = $line;
return $this->file_put_file_contents($gitPath, implode("\n", $entries));
public function list_ignored_files(string $path): array
$gitPath = "${path}/.gitignore";
if (!$this->valid($path) || !$this->file_exists($gitPath)) {
return [];
return preg_split('/\R+/m', $this->file_get_file_contents($gitPath));
public function list_commits(string $path, ?int $max = 5): array
if (!$this->valid($path)) {
return [];
if ( $max !== null && ($max < 0 || $max > 999999) ) {
error('Commit limit out of range');
return [];
$ret = $this->pman_run("cd %(path)s && git log %(hasFlag)s %(max)d --format='%%h %%H %%ct %%s'",
['path' => $path, 'hasFlag' => null !== $max ? '-n' : '', 'max' => $max]);
if (!$ret['success']) {
error('Failed to run git log: %s', $ret['stderr']);
$commits = [];
$hash = strtok($ret['stdout'], ' ');
while ($hash) {
$commits[$hash] = [
'hash' => strtok(' '),
'ts' => (int)strtok(' '),
'subject' => strtok("\n")
$hash = strtok(' ');
return $commits;
public function commit(string $path, string $msg): ?string
$ret = $this->pman_run('cd %(path)s && git commit -qm %(msg)s && git rev-parse HEAD', [
'path' => $path,
'msg' => $msg
if (!$ret['success']) {
if (false !== strpos($ret['stdout'], 'nothing to commit')) {
warn('No changes to save');
return null;
error('Failed to commit: %s', coalesce($ret['stderr'], $ret['stdout']));
return null;
return trim($ret['stdout']);
public function checkout(string $path, ?string $ref, array $files = null): bool
if ($files) {
$files = implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $files));
$ret = $this->pman_run("cd %(path)s && git checkout %(ref)s $files", [
'path' => $path,
'ref' => $ref,
return $ret['success'] ?: error("Failed to checkout `%(ref)s': %(err)s",
['ref' => $ref, 'err' => $ret['stderr']]);