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     * Copyright (C) Apis Networks, Inc - All Rights Reserved.
     * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium, is
     * strictly prohibited without consent. Any dissemination of
     * material herein is prohibited.
     * For licensing inquiries email <licensing@apisnetworks.com>
     * Written by Matt Saladna <matt@apisnetworks.com>, May 2017


     * Provides gzip compression/decompression routines in the file manager
     * @package Compression
    class Gzip_Filter extends Tar_Filter
        public static function extract_files($archive, $destination, array $files = null, array $opts = null)
            $tar = (substr($archive, -4) == '.tgz' ||
                substr($archive, -7) == '.tar.gz');
            $cmd = 'gzip ' . (!$tar ? '-d' : '-d -c') . ' %s';
            $proc = parent::exec(
                array('run' => !$tar)

            if ($tar) {
                return self::extract_files_pipe($archive, $destination, $files, $opts);
            if ($proc['success']) {

            return $proc;

        public static function list_files($archive, array $opts = null)
            $tar = substr($archive, -4) == '.tgz' ||
                substr($archive, -7) == '.tar.gz';
            $cmd = 'gzip ' . (!$tar ? '-v -l' : '-d -c') . ' %s';
            $proc = parent::exec(
                array('run' => !$tar)
            if ($tar) {
                return self::list_files_pipe($archive, $opts);

            $files = array();
            foreach (explode("\n", $proc['output']) as $line) {
                if (!preg_match(Regex::FILE_HDR_GZIP, $line, $entry)) {

                $files[] = array(
                    'file_name'   => basename($entry['name']),
                    'file_type'   => 'file',
                    'can_read'    => true,
                    'can_write'   => true,
                    'can_execute' => true,
                    'size'        => $entry['size'],
                    'packed_size' => $entry['csize'],
                    'crc'         => $entry['crc'],
                    'link'        => 0,
                    'date'        => strtotime($entry['ts'])

            return $files;


