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     * Copyright (C) Apis Networks, Inc - All Rights Reserved.
     * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium, is
     * strictly prohibited without consent. Any dissemination of
     * material herein is prohibited.
     * For licensing inquiries email <licensing@apisnetworks.com>
     * Written by Matt Saladna <matt@apisnetworks.com>, May 2017

    namespace Module\Support;

    use Crm_Module;
    use Mail;
    use Mail_Mime;
    use Module_Skeleton;
    use Util_Geoip;

     * Support structure for auth module
    abstract class Auth extends Module_Skeleton

         * Remap siteinfo to auth on 7.5+ platforms
         * @param null|string $platform_version optional platform version to compare against
         * @return string
        public static function getAuthService($platform_version = PLATFORM_VERSION): string
            return version_compare($platform_version, '7.5', '>=') ?
                'auth' : 'siteinfo';

         * Send security notice
         * @param       $what
         * @param array $args
         * @return bool|mixed|void
        protected function sendNotice($what, $args)
            if (\Auth::client_ip() === '') {
                // originated locally from server
                return true;
            $key = 'notify.' . $what . 'change';
            $donotify = \Preferences::get($key, true);
            if (!$donotify) {
                return true;

            $hostname = 'UNKNOWN';
            $location = null;
            if ($tmp = $this->dns_gethostbyaddr_t($args['ip'], 3000)) {
                $hostname = $tmp;
            $location = Util_Geoip::instantiateContexted($this->getAuthContext())->locate($args['ip']);
            $gmap = 'https://www.google.com/maps/preview/@' . $location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'] . ',8z';

            $vars = array_replace_recursive([
                'what'      => $what,
                'domain'    => $this->domain,
                'latitude'  => $location['latitude'],
                'longitude' => $location['longitude'],
                'city'      => $location['city'],
                'state'     => $location['state'],
                'country'   => $location['country'],
                'gmapurl'   => $gmap,
                'ip'        => $args['ip'],
                'hostname'  => $hostname,
                'username'  => $this->username,
                'config'    => [
                    'geoip' => true
            ], $args);
            if (!$vars['email']) {
                return warn("no email configured - ignoring alert notification for %s change for `%s'", $what,
            $blade = \BladeLite::factory('views/email');
            $body = $blade->make('auth.change', $vars)->render();

            $opts = array(
                'html_charset' => 'utf-8',
                'text_charset' => 'utf-8'
            $from = Crm_Module::FROM_NAME . ' <' . Crm_Module::FROM_ADDRESS . '>';
            $headers = array(
                'Sender' => $from,
                'From'   => $from
            $mime = new Mail_Mime($opts);

            $headers = $mime->txtHeaders($headers);
            $msg = $mime->get();

            return Mail::send(
                ucwords($what) . ' Changed - ' . $vars['domain'],

         * Recreate TokyoCabinet map
        public static function rebuildMap()
            if (file_exists(\Opcenter\Map::DOMAIN_MAP) && platform_is('7.5')) {
                return true;

            // backwards compatible for older platforms that don't explicitly use TC
            $tcd = \Opcenter\Map::load(\Opcenter\Map::DOMAIN_MAP, 'cd');

            return $tcd->copy(\Opcenter\Map::DOMAIN_TXT_MAP);