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     *  +------------------------------------------------------------+
     *  | apnscp                                                     |
     *  +------------------------------------------------------------+
     *  | Copyright (c) Apis Networks                                |
     *  +------------------------------------------------------------+
     *  | Licensed under Artistic License 2.0                        |
     *  +------------------------------------------------------------+
     *  | Author: Matt Saladna (msaladna@apisnetworks.com)           |
     *  +------------------------------------------------------------+

     * Testing module for nothing more than unit testing
     * @author Matt Saladna <matt@apisnetworks.com>
    class Test_Module extends Module_Skeleton
        public $exportedFunctions = array(
            '*' => PRIVILEGE_ALL,

        public function __construct()
            if (!is_debug()) {
                $this->exportedFunctions = array('*' => PRIVILEGE_NONE);

         * Benchmark all callable class methods
         * @param int    $iterations
         * @param string $testclass
         * @return boolean
        public function benchmark_all($iterations = 1000, $testclass = null)
            if (!is_debug()) {
                return error('benchmark only enabled in dev');
            $methods = array();
            if (is_null($testclass)) {
                $my_class = __CLASS__;
            } else {
                $my_class = $testclass;
            if (!class_exists($my_class)) {
                return error("Unknown class `%s'", $my_class);
            $my_method = __FUNCTION__;
            $rfxn = new ReflectionClass($my_class);
            $maxlen = 0;
            foreach ($rfxn->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $m) {
                $method = $m->name;
                $class = $m->class;
                if ($class === $my_class && $method !== $my_method) {
                    $methods[] = $method;
                    $maxlen = max($maxlen, strlen($method));
            $header = 'Module ' . $my_class;
            print  $header . "\n" .
                str_repeat('=', strlen($header)) . "\n";
            foreach ($methods as $m) {
                printf('%-' . $maxlen . 's: ', $m);
                $start = microtime(true);
                for ($i = 0, $n = $iterations; $i < $n; $i++) {
                    assert($ret = $this->$m());
                $end = microtime(true);
                $diff = ($end - $start);
                printf("%.4fs (%.6fs)\n", $diff, $diff / $iterations);
            print "\n";

            return true;

         * Test execution using named arguments
         * @return bool
        public function exec_named_args()
            $args = array(
                'program' => 'echo',
                'args'    => 'Hello World!'
            $proc = Util_Process_Safe::exec('%(program)s %(args)s %(args)s',
                $args, array(1, 0)

            return $proc['success'];

         * Test execution without named arguments
         * @return bool
        public function exec_no_args()
            $proc = Util_Process::exec('echo "Hello"',

            return $proc['success'];

        public function exec_fail()
            $proc = Util_Process::exec('/bin/true', array(1));

            return $proc['success'] == false;

         * -----------------------------------
         * crap tested that I forgot to remove
         * -----------------------------------

        public function exec_additional_args()
            $args = array('echo', "'Hello World!'", 'test');
            // should emit a warning
            $proc = Util_Process::exec('%s %s', 'echo', "'Hello World!'", 'Test');

            return $proc['success'];

        public function exec_quotes()
            $args = array("'Hello World!'", 'test');
            // should emit a warning
            $proc = Util_Process_Safe::exec('echo %s %s', $args);
            print $proc['stdout'];

            return $proc['success'];

         * Profile backend performance

        public function backend_performance($n = 10000)
             * Journal of cmd -d debug.com test_backend_performance
             * 2016/09/08: 0.1031ms
             * 2017/04/10: 0.1016ms
             * 2017/05/15: 0.1092ms
             * 2017/06/19: 0.0966ms <-- last i5 760
             * 2017/06/19: 0.1201ms <-- L3426
             * 2017/10/14: 0.1220ms
             * 2017/11/26: 0.1286ms
             * 2018/02/12: 0.1327ms <-- Contextables
             * 2018/09/15: 0.1757ms <-- VM
             * 2018/11/14: 0.1685ms <-- merge accept, no timeout
             * 2019/08/25: 0.1655ms <-- periodic update, same VM
             * 2020/07/13: 0.1014ms <-- Ryzen 5 3600
            return $this->benchmark('test_backend_emitter', $n);

         * Benchmark apnscp function
         * @param  Closure|string $func fully-qualified function
         * @param  int            $iterations
         * @return float
        public function benchmark($func, int $iterations = 1000)
            if (!is_debug()) {
                return error('benchmark only enabled in dev');
            if ($func instanceof \Closure) {
                $fname = (new ReflectionFunction($func))->getName();
            } else if (is_callable(array($this, $func))) {
                $fname = $func;
                $func = [$this, $func];
            if (!is_callable($func)) {
                return error("function `%s' is not callable", $fname);
            $bm = static function (Callable $func, string $fname) use ($iterations) {
                print 'benchmark ' . $fname . "\r\n";
                $start = microtime(true);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
                    //assert(call_user_func($func) == $resp);
                $end = microtime(true);
                $delta = $end - $start;
                printf("time: %.2f sec (%d rounds; %.4f ms each; %.2f per second)\n\n",
                    $delta / $iterations * 1000,
                    $iterations / $delta

                return $delta;
            $bmf = $bm($func, $fname);
            $bm = null;

            return $bmf;

         * Frontend emitter to evaluate backend performance
         * @param null $args
         * @return mixed
        public function backend_emitter($args = '')
            //return $this->query('test_backend_collector', $args);
            /*$ds = \DataStream::get();
            $payload = $ds->pack('test_backend_collector', $args, null, Auth::get_driver()->getID());
            return $ds->writeSocket($payload);*/
            return $this->query('test_backend_collector', $args);

         * Backend collector to evaluate performance
         * @param null $args
         * @return mixed
        public function backend_collector($args = '')
            return $args;

        public function config_bm()

            $this->compare('test_config', 'test_config2');

         * Comparatively benchmark functions
         * @param  string $func1
         * @param  string $func2
         * @param  int    $iterations
         * @return int  1 if $func1 faster than $func2, -1 vice-versa
        public function compare($func1, $func2, $iterations = 1000)
            if (!is_debug()) {
                return error('benchmark only enabled in dev');

            if (!$func1 || !$func2) {
                return error('need 2 functions to compare');
            $mem = memory_get_usage();
            $bmf1 = $this->benchmark($func1, $iterations);
            $bmf2 = $this->benchmark($func2, $iterations);
            $ret = 0;
            if ($bmf1 < $bmf2) {
                printf('%s is quicker than %s ', $func1, $func2);
                $diff = abs($bmf1 - $bmf2);
                $diffp = $diff / $bmf2;
                $ret = 1;
            } else {
                printf('%s is quicker than %s ', $func2, $func1);
                $diff = abs($bmf2 - $bmf1);
                $diffp = $diff / $bmf1;
                $ret = -1;
            printf("by %.2f%%\n\n", $diffp * 100);
            printf("Mem usage: %.2f bytes\n", memory_get_usage() - $mem);


        public function config($conf = null)
            $conf = $this->getAuthContext()->conf('ipinfo');

            //array_unshift($conf, '[DEFAULT]');
            return "[DEFAULT]\n" . Util_Conf::build_ini($conf);

        public function config2($conf = null)
            $conf = $this->getAuthContext()->conf('ipinfo');
            $data = '[DEFAULT]' . "\n";
            foreach ($conf as $srvc_var => $srvc_val) {
                $data .= $srvc_var . ' = ' . (!is_array($srvc_val) ? $srvc_val : (!$srvc_val ? '[]' : '[\'' . implode('\', \'',
                    array_unique($srvc_val)) . '\']')) . "\n";

            return $data;

        public function sudo()
            if (!IS_CLI) {
                return $this->query('test_sudo');
            $args = array('user' => 'debug');
            if ($this->permission_level & PRIVILEGE_ADMIN) {
                $args['domain'] = 'debug.com';
            $ret = Util_Process_Sudo::exec('id',

            return $ret;

        public function fn_decompose($cmd)
            return Util_Process::decompose($cmd);

        public function mail()
            $address = $this->common_get_email() ?? Crm_Module::COPY_ADMIN;
            $template = \BladeLite::factory('views/email');
            $html = $template->make('simple',
                    'msg' => 'This is a test email from your panel!' .
                        "\n\nPanel login source: " . \Auth_Redirect::getPreferredUri()

            $opts = array(
                'html_charset' => 'utf-8',
                'text_charset' => 'utf-8'
            $from = \Crm_Module::FROM_NAME . ' <' . \Crm_Module::FROM_ADDRESS . '>';
            $headers = array(
                'Sender' => $from,
                'From'   => $from
            $mime = new Mail_Mime($opts);

            $headers = $mime->txtHeaders($headers);
            $msg = $mime->get();

            return Mail::send(
                PANEL_BRAND . ' test',

            return info("Sent test email to `%s'", $address);

         * ER wrapper
         * @param string $class
         * @param string $confirmation
         * @return bool|void
        public function message_class(string $class, string $confirmation = 'Hello!') {
            if (!\in_array($class, ['fatal', 'error', 'warning', 'info'], true)) {
                return error("Unknown message class `%s'", $class);
            return $class($confirmation);

         * Sleep backend for duration
         * @param int $time
         * @return bool
        public function sleep(int $time = 10)
            if (!IS_CLI) {
                return $this->query('test_sleep', $time);

            return true;

         * Get locale-specific time
         * @return false|string
        public function now()
            return date('r');

        public function context_performance()
             * 2019/01/29: 360 req/sec
            if (!$this->permission_level & PRIVILEGE_SITE) {
                return error('Context requires site admin privileges');

            $oldrep = \Error_Reporter::set_verbose(0);
            $user = \Opcenter\Auth\Password::generate(8, 'a-z');
            if (!$this->user_add($user, 'randompassword12345')) {
                return error('Failed to create user');
            \assert(spl_object_hash(\Auth::context($user, $this->site)) !== spl_object_hash(\Auth::context($user, $this->site)), 'Context uniqueness');
            $this->benchmark(function () use ($user) {
                \Auth::context($user, $this->site);

        public function metrics(string $attr = null)
            if (!TELEMETRY_ENABLED) {
                return error('[telemetry] => enabled is off in config.ini');

            $pg = PostgreSQL::pdo();
            $query = "SELECT TIME_BUCKET('5 minute', ts), name, label, value FROM metrics " .
                'JOIN metric_attributes USING (attr_id) WHERE site_id = ' . $this->site_id . " AND ts >= NOW() - '1 day'::INTERVAL";
            if ($attr) {
                $query .= ' AND name = ' . $pg->quote($attr);
            $rs = $pg->query($query);
            return $rs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        public function sigchld_exit(int $code, bool $backend = true): int
            if ($backend && !IS_CLI) {
                return $this->query('test_sigchld_exit', $code, $backend);

            $ret = \Util_Process_Safe::exec('exit %d', [$code]);
            return $ret['return'];